Saturday, November 24, 2007

Saint Felicien: Patron Saint of Perfect Cheese

Guess where it is from? Burgundy! Oh joy of joys. Choosing it was part good luck - I'd never heard of it (or couldn't remember hearing of it, anyway) and it is hard to tell how ripe a soft cheese is when it is wrapped up - and part a result of following The Cheese Rules.

Cheese Rule no. 22: always trust a soft cheese in a terracota pot. If it needs ceramics to keep it upright and decent, it probably has the capacity to ooze, drip and goo.

It was delicious; teetering on the edge of refusing the attentions of a knife and demanding a spoon. It was rich, creamy, cheesy and complex but not hadn't reached that testing, slightly acrid stage where cheese becomes less of a meal and more of a dare. It sagged as the first crackerful was lifted out, deflated and beaten. It knew its time had come.

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